Protecting natural habitats
from extinction
To care, first you need to know what’s there.
Manly Warringah War Memorial State Park (Manly Dam) is a precious area of urban bushland less than 10 km from the Sydney CBD that is rich in biodiversity and beauty. The Save Manly Dam Catchment Committee has used a Federal Government Grant and a Northern Beaches Council grant to commission some of Australia's top ecologists to survey, monitor and record the amazing flora and fauna that calls this place home. People who enjoy visiting Manly Dam are also invited to become Citizen Scientists and record and share what they find using the iNaturalist app Manly Dam Biodiversity Project feature.
The more data we collect, the greater chance we have of conserving these irreplaceable natural wonders and protecting them from local extinction.
Our mission is to
keep Manly Dam wild.
Species extinction threatens every part of the planet. It’s a global problem that requires local action.
It is now widely recognized that conserving nature is a vital element in fighting climate change.
This website provides a summary of flora and fauna living in the Manly Warringah War Memorial State Park. We want you to learn about what is there so you can love it even more and help us to make sure it is protected.
Biodiversity in Manly Dam
The information in these sections has been collated from commissioned nationally recognised expert ecologist reports, the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA), BioNET, a review of all environmental reports for this area (including EIS, developer reports & Council studies), and various Citizen Science studies recorded via iNaturalist.
As part of this project, in November 2021, all this data has been cross referenced to produce a comprehensive database for flora and fauna in Manly Dam. This includes species that no longer exist.
Threats to
Biodiversity refers to the variety and variability of life on Earth .
*More coming on threats to biodiversity soon*

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of Gayamaygal country and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
Where Manly Dam is located!