Eastern Long Necked Turtle
Species: Chelodina longicollis
Conservation status: Protected
There is only one native turtle species living in Manly Dam, the Eastern Long Necked Turtle, also known as the Eastern snake-necked turtle. It is possible other species may have been introduced to the dam from the pet trade, and people should especially be on the lookout for the exotic Red-eared Slider Turtle and report any sightings to the Department of Primary Industries.
The Eastern long necked turtle is carnivorous and spends most of its life submerged under the water at the edge of slow moving rivers and in wetlands and lakes. It has nostrils on the tip of its snout, so it can breathe while partially submerged in water searching for worms, snails and insect larvae. They are referred to as ‘side necked’ as they slide their neck and head under their shell to one side rather than withdrawing it backwards. If a long necked turtle feels threatened it will fold its neck sideways under its shell and spray foul smelling liquid from its groin and ‘armpits’ to deter predators.
Photo credit: Rosie Nicolai